Outbound cluster metrics

The data collected and transmitted through an encrypted channel back to Mirantis provides our Customer Success Organization information to better understand the operational usage patterns our customers are experiencing as well as to provide feedback on product usage statistics to enable our product teams to enhance our products and services for our customers.

Mirantis collects the following statistics using configuration-collector:

Mirantis collects hardware information using the following metrics:

  • mcc_hw_machine_chassis

  • mcc_hw_machine_cpu_model

  • mcc_hw_machine_cpu_number

  • mcc_hw_machine_nics

  • mcc_hw_machine_ram

  • mcc_hw_machine_storage (storage devices and disk layout)

  • mcc_hw_machine_vendor

Mirantis collects the summary of all deployed Container Cloud configurations using the following objects, if any:


The data is anonymized from all sensitive information, such as IDs, IP addresses, passwords, private keys, and so on.

  • Cluster

  • Machine

  • MachinePool

  • MCCUpgrade

  • BareMetalHost

  • BareMetalHostProfile

  • IPAMHost

  • IPAddr

  • KaaSCephCluster

  • L2Template

  • Subnet


In the Cluster releases 17.0.0, 16.0.0, and 14.1.0, Mirantis does not collect any configuration summary in light of the configuration-collector refactoring.

The node-level resource data are broken down into three broad categories: Cluster, Node, and Namespace. The telemetry data tracks Allocatable, Capacity, Limits, Requests, and actual Usage of node-level resources.

Terms explanation




On a Kubernetes Node, the amount of compute resources that are available for pods


The total number of available resources regardless of current consumption


Constraints imposed by Administrators


The resources that a given container application is requesting


The actual usage or consumption of a given resource

The full list of the outbound data includes:

From all Container Cloud managed clusters
  • cluster_alerts_firing Since 2.23.0

  • cluster_filesystem_size_bytes

  • cluster_filesystem_usage_bytes

  • cluster_filesystem_usage_ratio

  • cluster_master_nodes_total

  • cluster_nodes_total

  • cluster_persistentvolumeclaim_requests_storage_bytes

  • cluster_total_alerts_triggered

  • cluster_capacity_cpu_cores

  • cluster_capacity_memory_bytes

  • cluster_usage_cpu_cores

  • cluster_usage_memory_bytes

  • cluster_usage_per_capacity_cpu_ratio

  • cluster_usage_per_capacity_memory_ratio

  • cluster_worker_nodes_total

  • cluster_workload_pods_total Since 2.22.0

  • cluster_workload_containers_total Since 2.22.0

  • kaas_info

  • kaas_cluster_machines_ready_total

  • kaas_cluster_machines_requested_total

  • kaas_clusters

  • kaas_cluster_updating Since 2.21.0

  • kaas_license_expiry

  • kaas_machines_ready

  • kaas_machines_requested

  • kubernetes_api_availability

  • node_labels Since 2.24.0

  • mke_api_availability

  • mke_cluster_nodes_total

  • mke_cluster_containers_total

  • mke_cluster_vcpu_free

  • mke_cluster_vcpu_used

  • mke_cluster_vram_free

  • mke_cluster_vram_used

  • mke_cluster_vstorage_free

  • mke_cluster_vstorage_used

From Mirantis OpenStack for Kubernetes (MOSK) clusters only
  • openstack_cinder_api_latency_90

  • openstack_cinder_api_latency_99

  • openstack_cinder_api_status Removed in MOSK 24.1

  • openstack_cinder_availability

  • openstack_cinder_volumes_total

  • openstack_glance_api_status

  • openstack_glance_availability

  • openstack_glance_images_total

  • openstack_glance_snapshots_total Removed in MOSK 24.1

  • openstack_heat_availability

  • openstack_heat_stacks_total

  • openstack_host_aggregate_instances Removed in MOSK 23.2

  • openstack_host_aggregate_memory_used_ratio Removed in MOSK 23.2

  • openstack_host_aggregate_memory_utilisation_ratio Removed in MOSK 23.2

  • openstack_host_aggregate_cpu_utilisation_ratio Removed in MOSK 23.2

  • openstack_host_aggregate_vcpu_used_ratio Removed in MOSK 23.2

  • openstack_instance_availability

  • openstack_instance_create_end

  • openstack_instance_create_error

  • openstack_instance_create_start

  • openstack_keystone_api_latency_90

  • openstack_keystone_api_latency_99

  • openstack_keystone_api_status Removed in MOSK 24.1

  • openstack_keystone_availability

  • openstack_keystone_tenants_total

  • openstack_keystone_users_total

  • openstack_kpi_provisioning

  • openstack_lbaas_availability

  • openstack_mysql_flow_control

  • openstack_neutron_api_latency_90

  • openstack_neutron_api_latency_99

  • openstack_neutron_api_status Removed in MOSK 24.1

  • openstack_neutron_availability

  • openstack_neutron_lbaas_loadbalancers_total

  • openstack_neutron_networks_total

  • openstack_neutron_ports_total

  • openstack_neutron_routers_total

  • openstack_neutron_subnets_total

  • openstack_nova_all_compute_cpu_utilisation

  • openstack_nova_all_compute_mem_utilisation

  • openstack_nova_all_computes_total

  • openstack_nova_all_vcpus_total

  • openstack_nova_all_used_vcpus_total

  • openstack_nova_all_ram_total_gb

  • openstack_nova_all_used_ram_total_gb

  • openstack_nova_all_disk_total_gb

  • openstack_nova_all_used_disk_total_gb

  • openstack_nova_api_status Removed in MOSK 24.1

  • openstack_nova_availability

  • openstack_nova_compute_cpu_utilisation

  • openstack_nova_compute_mem_utilisation

  • openstack_nova_computes_total

  • openstack_nova_disk_total_gb

  • openstack_nova_instances_active_total

  • openstack_nova_ram_total_gb

  • openstack_nova_used_disk_total_gb

  • openstack_nova_used_ram_total_gb

  • openstack_nova_used_vcpus_total

  • openstack_nova_vcpus_total

  • openstack_public_api_status Since MOSK 22.5

  • openstack_quota_instances

  • openstack_quota_ram_gb

  • openstack_quota_vcpus

  • openstack_quota_volume_storage_gb

  • openstack_rmq_message_deriv

  • openstack_usage_instances

  • openstack_usage_ram_gb

  • openstack_usage_vcpus

  • openstack_usage_volume_storage_gb

  • osdpl_aodh_alarms Since MOSK 23.3

  • osdpl_api_success Since MOSK 24.1

  • osdpl_cinder_zone_volumes Since MOSK 23.3

  • osdpl_manila_shares Since MOSK 24.2

  • osdpl_masakari_hosts Since MOSK 24.2

  • osdpl_neutron_availability_zone_info Since MOSK 23.3

  • osdpl_neutron_zone_routers Since MOSK 23.3

  • osdpl_nova_aggregate_hosts Since MOSK 23.3

  • osdpl_nova_availability_zone_info Since MOSK 23.3

  • osdpl_nova_availability_zone_instances Since MOSK 23.3

  • osdpl_nova_availability_zone_hosts Since MOSK 23.3

  • osdpl_version_info Since MOSK 23.3

  • tf_operator_info Since MOSK 23.3 for Tungsten Fabric