
The Mirantis Container Cloud GA release 2.23.1 is based on 2.23.0 and:

  • Introduces support for the Cluster release 12.7.0 that is based on the Cluster release 11.7.0 and represents Mirantis OpenStack for Kubernetes (MOSK) 23.1.

    This Cluster release is based on the updated version of Mirantis Kubernetes Engine 3.5.7 with Kubernetes 1.21 and Mirantis Container Runtime 20.10.13.

  • Supports the latest Cluster release 11.7.0

  • Does not support greenfield deployments based on deprecated Cluster releases 12.5.0 and 11.6.0. Use the latest available Cluster releases of the series instead.

For details about the Container Cloud release 2.23.1, refer to its parent releases 2.23.0 and 2.22.0:


Make sure to update the Cluster release version of your managed cluster before the current Cluster release version becomes unsupported by a new Container Cloud release version. Otherwise, Container Cloud stops auto-upgrade and eventually Container Cloud itself becomes unsupported.