Verify Ceph tolerations and resources management

After you enable Ceph resources management as described in Enable Ceph tolerations and resources management, perform the steps below to verify that the configured tolerations, requests, or limits have been successfully specified in the Ceph cluster.

To verify Ceph tolerations and resources management:

  • To verify that the required tolerations are specified in the Ceph cluster, inspect the output of the following commands:

    kubectl -n rook-ceph get $(kubectl -n rook-ceph get cephcluster -o name) -o jsonpath='{.spec.placement.mon.tolerations}'
    kubectl -n rook-ceph get $(kubectl -n rook-ceph get cephcluster -o name) -o jsonpath='{.spec.placement.mgr.tolerations}'
    kubectl -n rook-ceph get $(kubectl -n rook-ceph get cephcluster -o name) -o jsonpath='{.spec.placement.osd.tolerations}'
  • To verify RADOS Gateway tolerations:

    kubectl -n rook-ceph get $(kubectl -n rook-ceph get cephobjectstore -o name) -o jsonpath='{.spec.gateway.placement.tolerations}'
  • To verify that the required resources requests or limits are specified for the Ceph mon, mgr, or osd daemons, inspect the output of the following command:

    kubectl -n rook-ceph get $(kubectl -n rook-ceph get cephcluster -o name) -o jsonpath='{.spec.resources}'
  • To verify that the required resources requests and limits are specified for the RADOS Gateway daemons, inspect the output of the following command:

    kubectl -n rook-ceph get $(kubectl -n rook-ceph get cephobjectstore -o name) -o jsonpath='{.spec.gateway.resources}'
  • To verify that the required resources requests or limits are specified for the Ceph OSDs hdd, ssd, or nvme device classes, perform the following steps:

    1. Identify which Ceph OSDs belong to the <deviceClass> device class in question:

      kubectl -n rook-ceph exec -it $(kubectl -n rook-ceph get pod -l app=rook-ceph-tools -o name) -- ceph osd crush class ls-osd <deviceClass>
    2. For each <osdID> obtained in the previous step, run the following command. Compare the output with the desired result.

      kubectl -n rook-ceph get deploy rook-ceph-osd-<osdID> -o jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[].resources}'