
This section describes the IpamHost resource used in Mirantis Container Cloud API. The kaas-ipam controller monitors the current state of the bare metal Machine, verifies if BareMetalHost is successfully created and inspection is completed. Then the kaas-ipam controller fetches the information about the network card, creates the IpamHost object, and requests the IP address.

The IpamHost object is created for each Machine and contains all configuration of the host network interfaces and IP address. It also contains the information about associated BareMetalHost, Machine, and MAC addresses.

For demonstration purposes, the Container Cloud IpamHost custom resource (CR) is split into the following major sections:

IpamHost metadata

The Container Cloud IpamHost CR contains the following fields:

  • apiVersion

    API version of the object that is ipam.mirantis.com/v1alpha1

  • kind

    Object type that is IpamHost

  • metadata

    The metadata field contains the following subfields:

    • name

      Name of the IpamHost object

    • namespace

      Project in which the IpamHost object has been created

    • labels

      Key-value pairs that are attached to the object:

      • cluster.sigs.k8s.io/cluster-name

        References the Cluster object name that IpamHost is assigned to

      • ipam/BMHostID

        Unique ID of the associated BareMetalHost object

      • ipam/MAC-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX: "1"

        Number of NICs of the host that the corresponding MAC address is assigned to

      • ipam/MachineID

        Unique ID of the associated Machine object

      • ipam/UID

        Unique ID of the IpamHost object


      Labels and annotations that are not documented in this API Reference are generated automatically by Container Cloud. Do not modify them using the Container Cloud API.

Configuration example:

apiVersion: ipam.mirantis.com/v1alpha1
kind: IpamHost
  name: master-0
  namespace: default
    cluster.sigs.k8s.io/cluster-name: kaas-mgmt
    ipam/BMHostID: 57250885-f803-11ea-88c8-0242c0a85b02
    ipam/MAC-0C-C4-7A-1E-A9-5C: "1"
    ipam/MAC-0C-C4-7A-1E-A9-5D: "1"
    ipam/MachineID: 573386ab-f803-11ea-88c8-0242c0a85b02
    ipam/UID: 834a2fc0-f804-11ea-88c8-0242c0a85b02

IpamHost configuration

The spec field of the IpamHost resource describes the desired state of the object. It contains the following fields:

  • nicMACmap

    Represents an unordered list of all NICs of the host obtained during the bare metal host inspection. Each NIC entry contains such fields as name, mac, ip, and so on. The primary field defines which NIC was used for PXE booting. Only one NIC can be primary. The IP address is not configurable and is provided only for debug purposes.

  • l2TemplateSelector

    If specified, contains the name (first priority) or label of the L2 template that will be applied during a machine creation. The l2TemplateSelector field is copied from the Machine providerSpec object to the IpamHost object only once, during a machine creation. To modify l2TemplateSelector after creation of a Machine CR, edit the IpamHost object.

  • netconfigUpdateMode TechPreview

    Update mode of network configuration. Possible values:

    • MANUAL

      Default, recommended. An operator manually applies new network configuration.


      Unsafe, not recommended. If new network configuration is rendered by kaas-ipam successfully, it is applied automatically with no manual approval.


      Initial value set during the IpamHost object creation. If new network configuration is rendered by kaas-ipam successfully, it is applied automatically with no manual approval. This value is implemented for automatic changes in the IpamHost object during the host provisioning and deployment. The value is changed automatically to MANUAL in three hours after the IpamHost object creation.


    For MKE clusters that are part of MOSK infrastructure, the feature support will become available in one of the following Container Cloud releases.

  • netconfigUpdateAllow TechPreview

    Manual approval of network changes. Possible values: true or false. Set to true to approve the Netplan configuration file candidate (stored in netconfigCandidate) and copy its contents to the effective Netplan configuration file list (stored in netconfigFiles). After that, its value is automatically switched back to false.


    This value has effect only if netconfigUpdateMode is set to MANUAL.

    Set to true only if status.netconfigCandidateState of network configuration candidate is OK.


    The following fields of the ipamHost status are renamed since Container Cloud 2.22.0 in the scope of the L2Template and IpamHost objects refactoring:

    • netconfigV2 to netconfigCandidate

    • netconfigV2state to netconfigCandidateState

    • netconfigFilesState to netconfigFilesStates (per file)

    No user actions are required after renaming.

    The format of netconfigFilesState changed after renaming. The netconfigFilesStates field contains a dictionary of statuses of network configuration files stored in netconfigFiles. The dictionary contains the keys that are file paths and values that have the same meaning for each file that netconfigFilesState had:

    • For a successfully rendered configuration file: OK: <timestamp> <sha256-hash-of-rendered-file>, where a timestamp is in the RFC 3339 format.

    • For a failed rendering: ERR: <error-message>.


    For MKE clusters that are part of MOSK infrastructure, the feature support will become available in one of the following Container Cloud releases.

Configuration example:

  - mac: 0c:c4:7a:1e:a9:5c
    name: ens11f0
  - ip:
    mac: 0c:c4:7a:1e:a9:5d
    name: ens11f1
    primary: true
  netconfigUpdateMode: manual
  netconfigUpdateAllow: false

IpamHost status


The following fields of the ipamHost status are renamed since Container Cloud 2.22.0 in the scope of the L2Template and IpamHost objects refactoring:

  • netconfigV2 to netconfigCandidate

  • netconfigV2state to netconfigCandidateState

  • netconfigFilesState to netconfigFilesStates (per file)

No user actions are required after renaming.

The format of netconfigFilesState changed after renaming. The netconfigFilesStates field contains a dictionary of statuses of network configuration files stored in netconfigFiles. The dictionary contains the keys that are file paths and values that have the same meaning for each file that netconfigFilesState had:

  • For a successfully rendered configuration file: OK: <timestamp> <sha256-hash-of-rendered-file>, where a timestamp is in the RFC 3339 format.

  • For a failed rendering: ERR: <error-message>.

The status field of the IpamHost resource describes the observed state of the object. It contains the following fields:

  • netconfigCandidate

    Candidate of the Netplan configuration file in human readable format that is rendered using the corresponding L2Template. This field contains valid data if l2RenderResult and netconfigCandidateState retain the OK result.

  • l2RenderResult Deprecated

    Status of a rendered Netplan configuration candidate stored in netconfigCandidate. Possible values:

    • For a successful L2 template rendering: OK: timestamp sha256-hash-of-rendered-netplan, where timestamp is in the RFC 3339 format

    • For a failed rendering: ERR: <error-message>

    This field is deprecated and will be removed in one of the following releases. Use netconfigCandidateState instead.

  • netconfigCandidateState TechPreview

    Status of a rendered Netplan configuration candidate stored in netconfigCandidate. Possible values:

    • For a successful L2 template rendering: OK: timestamp sha256-hash-of-rendered-netplan, where timestamp is in the RFC 3339 format

    • For a failed rendering: ERR: <error-message>


    For MKE clusters that are part of MOSK infrastructure, the feature support will become available in one of the following Container Cloud releases.

  • netconfigFiles

    List of Netplan configuration files rendered using the corresponding L2Template. It is used to configure host networking during bare metal host provisioning (BaremetalHost retains a copy of this configuration) and during Kubernetes node deployment (refer to Workflow of the netplan configuration using an L2 template for details).

    Its contents are changed only if rendering of Netplan configuration was successful. So, it always retains the last successfully rendered Netplan configuration. To apply changes in contents, the Infrastructure Operator approval is required. For details, see Modify network configuration on an existing machine.

    Every item in this list contains:

    • content

      The base64-encoded Netplan configuration file that was rendered using the corresponding L2Template.

    • path

      The file path for the Netplan configuration file on the target host.

  • netconfigFilesStates

    Status of Netplan configuration files stored in netconfigFiles. Possible values are:

    • For a successful L2 template rendering: OK: timestamp sha256-hash-of-rendered-netplan, where timestamp is in the RFC 3339 format

    • For a failed rendering: ERR: <error-message>

  • serviceMap

    Dictionary of services and their endpoints (IP address and optional interface name) that have the ipam/SVC-<serviceName> label. These addresses are added to the ServiceMap dictionary during rendering of an L2 template for a given IpamHost. For details, see Service labels and their life cycle.

  • state Since 2.23.0

    Message that reflects the current status of the resource. The list of possible values includes the following:

    • OK - object is operational.

    • ERR - object is non-operational. This status has a detailed description in the messages list.

    • TERM - object was deleted and is terminating.

  • messages Since 2.23.0

    List of error or warning messages if the object state is ERR.

  • objCreated

    Date, time, and IPAM version of the resource creation.

  • objStatusUpdated

    Date, time, and IPAM version of the last update of the status field in the resource.

  • objUpdated

    Date, time, and IPAM version of the last resource update.

Configuration example:

  l2RenderResult: OK
  l2TemplateRef: namespace_name/l2-template-name/1/2589/88865f94-04f0-4226-886b-2640af95a8ab
    - content: ...<base64-encoded Netplan configuration file>...
      path: /etc/netplan/60-kaas-lcm-netplan.yaml
  netconfigFilesStates: /etc/netplan/60-kaas-lcm-netplan.yaml: 'OK: 2023-01-23T09:27:22.71802Z ece7b73808999b540e32ca1720c6b7a6e54c544cc82fa40d7f6b2beadeca0f53'
    <Netplan configuration file in plain text, rendered from L2Template>
  netconfigCandidateState: OK: 2022-06-08T03:18:08.49590Z a4a128bc6069638a37e604f05a5f8345cf6b40e62bce8a96350b5a29bc8bccde\
      - ifName: ceph-br2
      - ifName: ceph-br1
      - ifName: ceph-public
      - ifName: k8s-lcm
  phase: Active
  state: OK
  objCreated: 2021-10-21T19:09:32Z  by  v5.1.0-20210930-121522-f5b2af8
  objStatusUpdated: 2021-10-21T19:14:18.748114886Z  by  v5.1.0-20210930-121522-f5b2af8
  objUpdated: 2021-10-21T19:09:32.606968024Z  by  v5.1.0-20210930-121522-f5b2af8