Delete a cluster machine using CLI

Available since 17.0.0, 16.0.0, 14.1.0 as GA Available since 11.5.0 and 7.11.0 for non-MOSK clusters as TechPreview

This section instructs you on how to scale down an existing management or managed cluster through the Container Cloud API. To delete a machine using the Container Cloud web UI, see Delete a cluster machine using web UI.

Using the Container Cloud API, you can delete a cluster machine using the following methods:

  • Recommended. Enable the delete field in the providerSpec section of the required Machine object. It allows aborting graceful machine deletion before the node is removed from Docker Swarm.

  • Not recommended. Apply the delete request to the Machine object.

You can control machine deletion steps by following a specific machine deletion policy.

Overview of machine deletion policies

The deletion policy of the Machine resource used in the Container Cloud API defines specific steps occurring before a machine deletion.

The Container Cloud API contains the following types of deletion policies: graceful, unsafe, forced.

By default, the graceful deletion policy is used since the Cluster releases 17.0.0, 16.0.0, and 14.1.0. In previous releases, the unsafe deletion policy was used by default.

You can change the deletion policy before the machine deletion. If the deletion process has already started, you can reduce the deletion policy restrictions in the following order only: graceful > unsafe > forced.

Graceful machine deletion

Recommended and default since 17.0.0, 16.0.0, 14.1.0

During a graceful machine deletion, the cloud provider and LCM controllers perform the following steps:

  1. Cordon and drain the node being deleted.

  2. Remove the node from Docker Swarm.

  3. Send the delete request to the corresponding Machine resource.

  4. Remove the provider resources such as the VM instance, network, volume, and so on. Remove the related Kubernetes resources.

  5. Remove the finalizer from the Machine resource. This step completes the machine deletion from Kubernetes resources.


You can abort a graceful machine deletion only before the corresponding node is removed from Docker Swarm.

During a graceful machine deletion, the Machine object status displays prepareDeletionPhase with the following possible values:

  • started

    Cloud provider controller prepares a machine for deletion by cordoning, draining the machine, and so on.

  • completed

    LCM Controller starts removing the machine resources since the preparation for deletion is complete.

  • aborting

    Cloud provider controller attempts to uncordon the node. If the attempt fails, the status changes to failed.

  • failed

    Error in the deletion workflow.

Unsafe machine deletion

During an unsafe machine deletion, the cloud provider and LCM controllers perform the following steps:

  1. Send the delete request to the corresponding Machine resource.

  2. Remove the provider resources such as the VM instance, network, volume, and so on. Remove the related Kubernetes resources.

  3. Remove the finalizer from the Machine resource. This step completes the machine deletion from Kubernetes resources.

Forced machine deletion

During a forced machine deletion, the cloud provider and LCM controllers perform the following steps:

  1. Send the delete request to the corresponding Machine resource.

  2. Remove the provider resources such as the VM instance, network, volume, and so on. Remove the related Kubernetes resources.

  3. Remove the finalizer from the Machine resource. This step completes the machine deletion from Kubernetes resources.

This policy type allows deleting a Machine resource even if the cloud provider or LCM controller gets stuck at some step. But this policy may require a manual cleanup of machine resources in case of a controller failure. For details, see Delete a machine from a cluster using CLI.


Consider the following precautions applied to the forced machine deletion policy:

  • Use the forced machine deletion only if either graceful or unsafe machine deletion fails.

  • If the forced machine deletion fails at any step, the LCM Controller removes the finalizer anyway.

  • Before starting the forced machine deletion, back up the related Machine resource:

    kubectl get machine -n <projectName> <machineName> -o json > deleted_machine.json

Delete a machine from a cluster using CLI

  1. Carefully read the machine deletion precautions.

  2. Log in to the host where your management cluster kubeconfig is located and where kubectl is installed.

  3. For the bare metal provider, ensure that the machine being deleted is not a Ceph Monitor. If it is, migrate the Ceph Monitor to keep the odd number quorum of Ceph Monitors after the machine deletion. For details, see Migrate a Ceph Monitor before machine replacement.

  4. If the machine is assigned to a machine pool, decrease replicas count of the pool as described in Change replicas count of a machine pool.

  5. Select from the following options:

    • Recommended. In the providerSpec.value section of the Machine object, set delete to true:

      kubectl patch -n <projectName> <machineName> --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"providerSpec":{"value":{"delete":true}}}}'

      Replace the parameters enclosed in angle brackets with the corresponding values.

    • Delete the Machine object.

      kubectl delete -n <projectName> <machineName>

    After a successful unsafe or graceful machine deletion, the resources allocated to the machine are automatically freed up.

  6. If you applied the forced machine deletion, verify that all machine resources are freed up. Otherwise, manually clean up resources:

    1. Delete the Kubernetes Node object related to the deleted Machine object:


      Since Container Cloud 2.23.0, skip this step as the system performs it automatically.

      1. Log in to the host where your managed cluster kubeconfig is located.

      2. Verify whether the Node object for the deleted Machine object still exists:

        kubectl get node $(jq -r '' deleted_machine.json)

        If the system response is positive:

        1. Log in to the host where your management cluster kubeconfig is located.

        2. Delete the LcmMachine object with same name and project name as the deleted Machine object.

          kubectl delete -n <projectName> <machineName>
    2. Clean up the provider-specific resources. Select from the following options:

      Bare metal
      1. Log in to the host that contains the following configuration:

        • Management cluster kubeconfig

        • vSphere credentials configured

        • jq installed

      2. If the deleted machine was located on a managed cluster, delete the Ceph node as described in High-level workflow of Ceph OSD or node removal.

      3. Obtain the BareMetalHost object that relates to the deleted machine:

        BMH=$(jq -r '.metadata.annotations.""| split("/") | .[1]' deleted_machine.json)
      4. Delete the BareMetalHost credentials:

        kubectl delete secret -n <projectName> <machineName>-user-data
      5. Deprovision the related BareMetalHost object:

        kubectl patch baremetalhost -n <projectName> ${BMH} --type merge --patch '{"spec": {"image": null, "userData": null, "online":false}}'
        kubectl patch baremetalhost -n <projectName> ${BMH} --type merge --patch '{"spec": {"consumerRef": null}}'
      1. Log in to the host that contains the following configuration:

        • Management cluster kubeconfig

        • OpenStack credentials configured

        • Required tools: kubectl, jq, openstack-cli

      2. Obtain the instance ID of the deleted machine:

        SERVER_ID=$(jq -r "" deleted_machine.json)
      3. Verify whether the OpenStack server still exists:

        openstack server show ${SERVER_ID}

        If the system response is positive, delete the OpenStack server:

        openstack server delete ${SERVER_ID}
      4. Delete the floating IP on the related managed cluster:

        PORT=$(openstack port list --device-id <serverID> -c ID -f value)
        FLOATING=$(openstack floating ip list --port ${PORT} -c ID -f value)
        openstack floating ip delete ${FLOATING}
      1. Log in to the host that contains the following configuration:

        • Management cluster kubeconfig

        • vSphere credentials configured

        • Required tools: kubectl, jq, govc

      2. Obtain the VM UUID that relates to the deleted machine:

        VM_UUID=$(jq -r "" deleted_machine.json)
      3. Verify whether the VM still exists:

        govc -vm.uuid ${VM_UUID}

        If the system response is positive, delete the VM:

        govc vm.destroy -vm.uuid ${VM_UUID}