Unsupported releases

Unsupported Container Cloud releases history - 2024


Release date



Jul 02, 2024

  • MKE:

    • MKE 3.7.8 for clusters that follow major update path

    • Improvements in the MKE benchmark compliance

  • Bare metal:

    • General availability for Ubuntu 22.04 on bare metal clusters

    • Improvements in the day-2 management API for bare metal clusters

    • Optimization of strict filtering for devices on bare metal clusters

    • Deprecation of SubnetPool and MetalLBConfigTemplate objects

  • LCM:

    • The ClusterUpdatePlan object for a granular cluster update

    • Update groups for worker machines

    • LCM Agent heartbeats

    • Handling secret leftovers using secret-controller

    • MariaDB backup for bare metal and vSphere providers

  • Ceph:

    • Automatic upgrade from Quincy to Reef

    • Support for Rook v1.13

    • Setting a configuration section for Rook parameters

  • StackLight:

    • Monitoring of I/O errors in kernel logs

    • S.M.A.R.T. metrics for creating alert rules on bare metal clusters

    • Improvements for OpenSearch and OpenSearch Indices Grafana dashboards

    • Removal of grafana-image-renderer


June 18, 2024

Container Cloud 2.26.5 is the fifth patch release of the 2.26.x and MOSK 24.1.x release series that introduces the following updates:

  • Support for the patch Cluster releases 16.1.5 and 17.1.5 that represents MOSK patch release 24.1.5.

  • Bare metal: update of Ubuntu mirror to 20.04~20240517090228 along with update of minor kernel version to 5.15.0-107-generic.

  • Security fixes for CVEs in images.

  • Bug fixes.


May 20, 2024

Container Cloud 2.26.4 is the fourth patch release of the 2.26.x and MOSK 24.1.x release series that introduces the following updates:

  • Support for the patch Cluster releases 16.1.4 and 17.1.4 that represents MOSK patch release 24.1.4.

  • Support for MKE 3.7.8.

  • Bare metal: update of Ubuntu mirror to 20.04~20240502102020 along with update of minor kernel version to 5.15.0-105-generic.

  • Security fixes for CVEs in images.

  • Bug fixes.


Apr 29, 2024

Container Cloud 2.26.3 is the third patch release of the 2.26.x and MOSK 24.1.x release series that introduces the following updates:

  • Support for the patch Cluster releases 16.1.3 and 17.1.3 that represents MOSK patch release 24.1.3.

  • Support for MKE 3.7.7.

  • Bare metal: update of Ubuntu mirror to 20.04~20240411171541 along with update of minor kernel version to 5.15.0-102-generic.

  • Security fixes for CVEs in images.

  • Bug fixes.


Apr 08, 2024

Container Cloud 2.26.2 is the second patch release of the 2.26.x and MOSK 24.1.x release series that introduces the following updates:

  • Support for the patch Cluster releases 16.1.2 and 17.1.2 that represents MOSK patch release 24.1.2.

  • Support for MKE 3.7.6.

  • Support for docker-ee-cli 23.0.10 in MCR 23.0.9 to fix the several CVEs.

  • Bare metal: update of Ubuntu mirror to 20.04~20240324172903 along with update of minor kernel version to 5.15.0-101-generic.

  • Security fixes for CVEs in images.


Mar 20, 2024

Container Cloud 2.26.1 is the first patch release of the 2.26.x and MOSK 24.1.x release series that introduces the following updates:

  • Support for the patch Cluster releases 16.1.1 and 17.1.1 that represents MOSK patch release 24.1.1.

  • Support for MKE 3.7.6.

  • Security fixes for CVEs in images.


Mar 04, 2024

  • LCM:

    • Pre-update inspection of pinned product artifacts in a Cluster object

    • Disablement of worker machines on managed clusters

    • Health monitoring of cluster LCM operations

    • Support for MKE 3.7.5 and MCR 23.0.9

  • Security:

    • Support for Kubernetes auditing and profiling on management clusters

    • Policy Controller for validating pod image signatures

    • Configuring trusted certificates for Keycloak

  • Bare metal:

    • Day-2 management API for bare metal clusters

    • Strict filtering for devices on bare metal clusters

    • Dynamic IP allocation for faster host provisioning

    • Cleanup of LVM thin pool volumes during cluster provisioning

    • Wiping a device or partition before a bare metal cluster deployment

    • Container Cloud web UI improvements

  • Ceph:

    • Support for Rook v1.12

    • Support for custom device classes

    • Network policies for Rook Ceph daemons

  • StackLight:

    • Upgraded logging pipeline

    • Support for custom labels during alert injection

  • Documentation enhancements


Jan 10, 2024

Container Cloud 2.25.4 is the fourth patch release of the 2.25.x and MOSK 23.3.x release series that introduces the following updates:

  • Patch Cluster release 17.0.4 for MOSK 23.3.4

  • Patch Cluster release 16.0.4

  • Security fixes for CVEs in images