
This section describes the Machine resource used in Mirantis Container Cloud API for bare metal provider. The Machine resource describes the machine-level parameters.

For demonstration purposes, the Container Cloud Machine custom resource (CR) is split into the following major sections:


The Container Cloud Machine CR contains the following fields:

  • apiVersion

    API version of the object that is

  • kind

    Object type that is Machine.

The metadata object field of the Machine resource contains the following fields:

  • name

    Name of the Machine object.

  • namespace

    Project in which the Machine object is created.

  • annotations

    Key-value pair to attach arbitrary metadata to the object:


      Annotation attached to the Machine object to reference the corresponding BareMetalHost object in the <BareMetalHostProjectName/BareMetalHostName> format.

  • labels

    Key-value pairs that are attached to the object:


      Provider type that matches the provider type in the Cluster object and must be baremetal.


      Region name that matches the region name in the Cluster object.


      The label is removed from all Container Cloud objects in 2.26.0 (Cluster releases 17.1.0 and 16.1.0). Therefore, do not add the label starting these releases. On existing clusters updated to these releases, or if manually added, this label will be ignored by Container Cloud.


      Cluster name that the Machine object is linked to.


      For the control plane role of a machine, this label contains any value, for example, "true". For the worker role, this label is absent.

    • (optional)

      Name of the MachinePool object to which this machine is assigned to. If the machine is not assigned to any machine pool, this label is absent.


    Labels and annotations that are not documented in this API Reference are generated automatically by Container Cloud. Do not modify them using the Container Cloud API.

Configuration example:

kind: Machine
  name: example-control-plane
  namespace: example-ns
  annotations: default/master-0
  labels: baremetal example-cluster "true" # remove for worker

spec:providerSpec for instance configuration


If a machine is assigned to a machine pool, the providerSpec section of the specific Machine object automatically updates during pool configuration. The only providerSpec field that is not overwritten automatically is maintenance. Do not edit other fields of this section manually.

The spec object field of the Machine object represents the BareMetalMachineProviderSpec subresource with all required details to create a bare metal instance. It contains the following fields:

  • apiVersion

    API version of the object that is

  • kind

    Object type that is BareMetalMachineProviderSpec.

  • bareMetalHostProfile

    Configuration profile of a bare metal host:

    • name

      Name of a bare metal host profile

    • namespace

      Project in which the bare metal host profile is created.

  • l2TemplateIfMappingOverride

    If specified, overrides the interface mapping value for the corresponding L2Template object.

  • l2TemplateSelector

    If specified, contains the name (first priority) or label of the L2 template that will be applied during a machine creation. The l2TemplateSelector field is copied from the Machine providerSpec object to the IpamHost object only once, during a machine creation. To modify l2TemplateSelector after creation of a Machine CR, edit the IpamHost object.

  • hostSelector

    Specifies the matching criteria for labels on the bare metal hosts. Limits the set of the BareMetalHost objects considered for claiming for the Machine object. The following selector labels can be added when creating a machine using the Container Cloud web UI:




    Any custom label that is assigned to one or more bare metal hosts using API can be used as a host selector. If the BareMetalHost objects with the specified label are missing, the Machine object will not be deployed until at least one bare metal host with the specified label is available.

  • nodeLabels

    List of node labels to be attached to a node for the user to run certain components on separate cluster nodes. The list of allowed node labels is located in the Cluster object status providerStatus.releaseRef.current.allowedNodeLabels field.

    If the value field is not defined in allowedNodeLabels, a label can have any value.

    Before or after a machine deployment, add the required label from the allowed node labels list with the corresponding value to spec.providerSpec.value.nodeLabels in machine.yaml. For example:

    - key: stacklight
      value: enabled

    The addition of a node label that is not available in the list of allowed node labels is restricted.

  • distribution Mandatory

    Specifies an operating system (OS) distribution ID that is present in the current ClusterRelease object under the AllowedDistributions list. When specified, the BareMetalHost object linked to this Machine object will be provisioned using the selected OS distribution instead of the default one.

    By default, the following distributions are installed on greenfield managed clusters:

    • ubuntu/jammy:

      • Since Container Cloud 2.28.0 (Cluster releases 17.3.0 and 16.3.0), for MOSK clusters

      • Since Container Cloud 2.27.0 (Cluster releases 17.2.0 and 16.2.0), for non-MOSK clusters

    • ubuntu/focal, which is deprecated since 2.28.0 and only supported for existing clusters, was installed by default since Container Cloud 2.17.0 (Cluster releases 11.1.0 and 7.7.0)

    The default distribution is marked with the boolean flag default inside one of the elements under the AllowedDistributions list.


    The outdated ubuntu/bionic distribution, which is removed in Cluster releases 17.0.0 and 16.0.0, is only supported for existing clusters based on Ubuntu 18.04. For greenfield deployments of managed clusters, only ubuntu/jammy is supported.


    During the course of the Container Cloud 2.28.x series, Mirantis highly recommends upgrading an operating system on your cluster machines to Ubuntu 22.04 before the next major Cluster release becomes available. It is not mandatory to upgrade all machines at once. You can upgrade them one by one or in small batches, for example, if the maintenance window is limited in time.

    Otherwise, the Cluster release update of the Ubuntu 20.04-based clusters will become impossible as of the Cluster releases introduced in Container Cloud 2.29.0 (Cluster releases 17.4.0 and 16.4.0) with Ubuntu 22.04 as the only supported version.

  • maintenance

    Maintenance mode of a machine. If enabled, the node of the selected machine is drained, cordoned, and prepared for maintenance operations.

  • upgradeIndex (optional)

    Positive numeral value that determines the order of machines upgrade. The first machine to upgrade is always one of the control plane machines with the lowest upgradeIndex. Other control plane machines are upgraded one by one according to their upgrade indexes.

    If the Cluster spec dedicatedControlPlane field is false, worker machines are upgraded only after the upgrade of all control plane machines finishes. Otherwise, they are upgraded after the first control plane machine, concurrently with other control plane machines.

    If two or more machines have the same value of upgradeIndex, these machines are equally prioritized during upgrade.

  • deletionPolicy

    Technology Preview since 2.21.0 for non-MOSK clusters. Policy used to identify steps required during a Machine object deletion. Supported policies are as follows:

    • graceful

      Prepares a machine for deletion by cordoning, draining, and removing from Docker Swarm of the related node. Then deletes Kubernetes objects and associated resources. Can be aborted only before a node is removed from Docker Swarm.

    • unsafe

      Default. Deletes Kubernetes objects and associated resources without any preparations.

    • forced

      Deletes Kubernetes objects and associated resources without any preparations. Removes the Machine object even if the cloud provider or LCM Controller gets stuck at some step. May require a manual cleanup of machine resources in case of the controller failure.

    For more details on the workflow of machine deletion policies, see Overview of machine deletion policies.

  • delete

    Technology Preview since 2.21.0 for non-MOSK clusters. Boolean trigger for a machine deletion. Set to false to abort a machine deletion.

Configuration example:

      kind: BareMetalMachineProviderSpec
        name: default
        namespace: default
        - eno1
        - enp0s0
        label: l2-template1-label-1
      kind: BareMetalMachineProviderSpec
      - key: stacklight
        value: enabled
      distribution: ubuntu/jammy
      delete: false
      deletionPolicy: graceful

Machine status

The status object field of the Machine object represents the BareMetalMachineProviderStatus subresource that describes the current bare metal instance state and contains the following fields:

  • apiVersion

    API version of the object that is

  • kind

    Object type that is BareMetalMachineProviderStatus.

  • hardware

    Provides a machine hardware information:

    • cpu

      Number of CPUs.

    • ram

      RAM capacity in GB.

    • storage

      List of hard drives mounted on the machine. Contains the disk name and size in GB.

  • status

    Represents the current status of a machine:

    • Provision

      A machine is yet to obtain a status

    • Uninitialized

      A machine is yet to obtain the node IP address and host name

    • Pending

      A machine is yet to receive the deployment instructions and it is either not booted yet or waits for the LCM controller to be deployed

    • Prepare

      A machine is running the Prepare phase during which Docker images and packages are being predownloaded

    • Deploy

      A machine is processing the LCM Controller instructions

    • Reconfigure

      A machine is being updated with a configuration without affecting workloads running on the machine

    • Ready

      A machine is deployed and the supported Mirantis Kubernetes Engine (MKE) version is set

    • Maintenance

      A machine host is cordoned, drained, and prepared for maintenance operations

  • currentDistribution Since 2.24.0 as TechPreview and 2.24.2 as GA

    Distribution ID of the current operating system installed on the machine. For example, ubuntu/jammy.

  • maintenance

    Maintenance mode of a machine. If enabled, the node of the selected machine is drained, cordoned, and prepared for maintenance operations.

  • reboot Available since 2.22.0

    Indicator of a host reboot to complete the Ubuntu operating system updates, if any.

    • required

      Specifies whether a host reboot is required. Boolean. If true, a manual host reboot is required.

    • reason

      Specifies the package name(s) to apply during a host reboot.

  • upgradeIndex

    Positive numeral value that determines the order of machines upgrade. The first machine to upgrade is always one of the control plane machines with the lowest upgradeIndex. Other control plane machines are upgraded one by one according to their upgrade indexes.

    If the Cluster spec dedicatedControlPlane field is false, worker machines are upgraded only after the upgrade of all control plane machines finishes. Otherwise, they are upgraded after the first control plane machine, concurrently with other control plane machines.

    If two or more machines have the same value of upgradeIndex, these machines are equally prioritized during upgrade.

    If upgradeIndex in the Machine object spec is set, this status value equals the one in the spec. Otherwise, this value displays the automatically generated order of upgrade.

  • delete

    Technology Preview since 2.21.0 for non-MOSK clusters. Start of a machine deletion or a successful abortion. Boolean.

  • prepareDeletionPhase

    Technology Preview since 2.21.0 for non-MOSK clusters. Preparation phase for a graceful machine deletion. Possible values are as follows:

    • started

      Cloud provider controller prepares a machine for deletion by cordoning, draining the machine, and so on.

    • completed

      LCM Controller starts removing the machine resources since the preparation for deletion is complete.

    • aborting

      Cloud provider controller attempts to uncordon the node. If the attempt fails, the status changes to failed.

    • failed

      Error in the deletion workflow.

    For the workflow description of a graceful deletion, see Overview of machine deletion policies.

Configuration example:

    kind: BareMetalMachineProviderStatus
      cpu: 11
      ram: 16
      - name: /dev/vda
        size: 61
      - name: /dev/vdb
        size: 32
      - name: /dev/vdc
        size: 32
      required: true
      reason: |
    status: Ready
    upgradeIndex: 1