Configure multiple DHCP address ranges

To facilitate multi-rack and other types of distributed bare metal datacenter topologies, the dnsmasq DHCP server used for host provisioning in Container Cloud supports working with multiple L2 segments through network routers that support DHCP relay.

Container Cloud has its own DHCP relay running on one of the management cluster nodes. That DHCP relay serves for proxying DHCP requests in the same L2 domain where the management cluster nodes are located.


Networks used for hosts provisioning of a managed cluster must have routes to the PXE network (when a dedicated PXE network is configured) or to the combined PXE/management network of the management cluster. This configuration enables hosts to have access to the management cluster services that are used during host provisioning.

Management cluster nodes must have routes through the PXE network to PXE network segments used on a managed cluster. The following example contains L2 template fragments for a management cluster node:

  # PXE/static subnet for a management cluster
  - scope: namespace
    subnetName: kaas-mgmt-pxe
      kaas-mgmt-pxe-subnet: "1"
  # management (LCM) subnet for a management cluster
  - scope: namespace
    subnetName: kaas-mgmt-lcm
      kaas-mgmt-lcm-subnet: "1"
  # PXE/dhcp subnets for a managed cluster
  - scope: namespace
    subnetName: managed-dhcp-rack-1
  - scope: namespace
    subnetName: managed-dhcp-rack-2
  - scope: namespace
    subnetName: managed-dhcp-rack-3
npTemplate: |
        - {{ nic 0 }}
        - {{ nic 1 }}
        mode: active-backup
        primary: {{ nic 0 }}
        mii-monitor-interval: 100
      dhcp4: false
      dhcp6: false
        # static address on management node in the PXE network
        - {{ ip "bond0:kaas-mgmt-pxe" }}
        # routes to managed PXE network segments
        - to: {{ cidr_from_subnet "managed-dhcp-rack-1" }}
          via: {{ gateway_from_subnet "kaas-mgmt-pxe" }}
        - to: {{ cidr_from_subnet "managed-dhcp-rack-2" }}
          via: {{ gateway_from_subnet "kaas-mgmt-pxe" }}
        - to: {{ cidr_from_subnet "managed-dhcp-rack-3" }}
          via: {{ gateway_from_subnet "kaas-mgmt-pxe" }}

To configure DHCP ranges for dnsmasq, create the Subnet objects tagged with the ipam/SVC-dhcp-range label while setting up subnets for a managed cluster using CLI.


Support of multiple DHCP ranges has the following limitations:

  • Using of custom DNS server addresses for servers that boot over PXE is not supported.

  • The Subnet objects for DHCP ranges cannot be associated with any specific cluster, as DHCP server configuration is only applicable to the management cluster where DHCP server is running. The label will be ignored.


    Before the Cluster release 16.1.0, the Subnet object contains the label that specifies the region where the DHCP ranges will be applied.

Migration of DHCP configuration for existing management clusters


This section applies only to existing management clusters that are created before Container 2.24.0.


Since Container Cloud 2.24.0, you can only remove the deprecated dnsmasq.dhcp_range, dnsmasq.dhcp_ranges, dnsmasq.dhcp_routers, and dnsmasq.dhcp_dns_servers values from the cluster spec.

The Admission Controller does not accept any other changes in these values. This configuration is completely superseded by the Subnet object.

The DHCP configuration automatically migrated from the cluster spec to Subnet objects after cluster upgrade to 2.21.0.

To remove the deprecated dnsmasq parameters from the cluster spec:

  1. Open the management cluster spec for editing.

  2. In the baremetal-operator release values, remove the dnsmasq.dhcp_range, dnsmasq.dhcp_ranges, dnsmasq.dhcp_routers, and dnsmasq.dhcp_dns_servers parameters. For example:

    - helmReleases:
      - name: baremetal-operator


    The dnsmasq.dhcp_<name> parameters of the baremetal-operator Helm chart values in the Cluster spec are deprecated since the Cluster release 11.5.0 and removed in the Cluster release 14.0.0.

  3. Ensure that the required DHCP ranges and options are set in the Subnet objects. For configuration details, see Configure DHCP ranges for dnsmasq.

The dnsmasq configuration options dhcp-option=3 and dhcp-option=6 are absent in the default configuration. So, by default, dnsmasq will send the DNS server and default route to DHCP clients as defined in the dnsmasq official documentation:

  • The netmask and broadcast address are the same as on the host running dnsmasq.

  • The DNS server and default route are set to the address of the host running dnsmasq.

  • If the domain name option is set, this name is sent to DHCP clients.

Configure DHCP ranges for dnsmasq

  1. Create the Subnet objects tagged with the ipam/SVC-dhcp-range label.


    For cluster-specific subnets, create Subnet objects in the same namespace as the related Cluster object project. For shared subnets, create Subnet objects in the default namespace.

    To create the Subnet objects, refer to Create subnets.

    Use the following Subnet object example to specify DHCP ranges and DHCP options to pass the default route address:

    apiVersion: ""
    kind: Subnet
      name: mgmt-dhcp-range
      namespace: default
        ipam/SVC-dhcp-range: "" baremetal


    Setting of custom nameservers in the DHCP subnet is not supported.

    After creation of the above Subnet object, the provided data will be utilized to render the Dnsmasq object used for configuration of the dnsmasq deployment. You do not have to manually edit the Dnsmasq object.

  2. Verify that the changes are applied to the Dnsmasq object:

    kubectl --kubeconfig <pathToMgmtClusterKubeconfig> \
    -n kaas get dnsmasq dnsmasq-dynamic-config -o json

Configure DHCP relay on ToR switches

For servers to access the DHCP server across the L2 segment boundaries, for example, from another rack with a different VLAN for PXE network, you must configure DHCP relay (agent) service on the border switch of the segment. For example, on a top-of-rack (ToR) or leaf (distribution) switch, depending on the data center network topology.


To ensure predictable routing for the relay of DHCP packets, Mirantis strongly advises against the use of chained DHCP relay configurations. This precaution limits the number of hops for DHCP packets, with an optimal scenario being a single hop.

This approach is justified by the unpredictable nature of chained relay configurations and potential incompatibilities between software and hardware relay implementations.

The dnsmasq server listens on the PXE network of the management cluster by using the dhcp-lb Kubernetes Service.

To configure the DHCP relay service, specify the external address of the dhcp-lb Kubernetes Service as an upstream address for the relayed DHCP requests, which is the IP helper address for DHCP. There is the dnsmasq deployment behind this service that can only accept relayed DHCP requests.

Container Cloud has its own DHCP relay running on one of the management cluster nodes. That DHCP relay serves for proxying DHCP requests in the same L2 domain where the management cluster nodes are located.

To obtain the actual IP address issued to the dhcp-lb Kubernetes Service:

kubectl -n kaas get service dhcp-lb