Addressed issues

The following issues have been addressed in the Container Cloud patch release 2.24.3 along with the patch Cluster releases 14.0.2 and 15.0.2.

  • [34638][BM] Fixed the issue with failure to delete a management cluster due to the issue with secrets during machine deletion.

  • [34220][BM] Fixed the issue with ownerReferences being lost for HardwareData after pivoting during a management cluster bootstrap.

  • [34280][LCM] Fixed the issue with no cluster reconciles generated if a cluster is stuck on waiting for agents upgrade.

  • [33439][TLS] Fixed the issue with client-certificate-controller silently replacing user-provided key if PEM header and key format do not match.

  • [33686][audit] Fixed the issue with rules provided by the docker auditd preset not covering the Sysdig Docker CIS benchmark.

  • [34080][StackLight] Fixed the issue with missing events in OpenSearch that have lastTimestamp set to null and eventTime set to a non-null value.