Delete a managed cluster

Deleting a managed cluster does not require a preliminary deletion of VMs that run on this cluster.


We recommend deleting cluster machines using the Container Cloud web UI or API instead of using the cloud provider tools directly. Otherwise, the cluster deletion or detachment may hang and additional manual steps will be required to clean up machine resources.

To delete a VMware vSphere-based managed cluster:

  1. Log in to the Container Cloud web UI with the m:kaas:namespace@operator or m:kaas:namespace@writer permissions.

  2. Switch to the required project using the Switch Project action icon located on top of the main left-side navigation panel.

  3. In the Clusters tab, click the More action icon in the last column of the required cluster and select Delete.

  4. Verify the list of machines to be removed. Confirm the deletion.

  5. Deleting a cluster automatically turns the machines off. Therefore, clean up the hosts manually in the vSphere web UI. The machines will be automatically released from the RHEL subscription.

  6. If the cluster deletion hangs and the Deleting status message does not disappear after a while, refer to Cluster deletion or detachment freezes to fix the issue.

  7. If you do not plan to reuse the credentials of the deleted cluster, delete them:

    1. In the Credentials tab, verify that the required credentials are not in the In Use status.

    2. Click the Delete credential action icon next to the name of the credentials to be deleted.

    3. Confirm the deletion.


    You can delete credentials only after deleting the managed cluster they relate to.