Requirements for a VMware vSphere-based cluster


This section only applies to Container Cloud 2.27.2 (Cluster release 16.2.2) or earlier versions. Since Container Cloud 2.27.3 (Cluster release 16.2.3), support for vSphere-based clusters is suspended. For details, see Deprecation notes.


Container Cloud is developed and tested on VMware vSphere 7.0 and 6.7.

For system requirements for a bootstrap node, see Requirements for a bootstrap node.

If you use a firewall or proxy, make sure that the bootstrap and management clusters have access to the following IP ranges and domain names required for the Container Cloud content delivery network and alerting:

  • IP ranges:

  • Domain names:

    • and for packages

    • for binaries and Helm charts

    • and * for Docker images

    • for Telemetry (port 443 if proxy is enabled)

    • and for Salesforce alerts


  • Access to Salesforce is required from any Container Cloud cluster type.

  • If any additional Alertmanager notification receiver is enabled, for example, Slack, its endpoint must also be accessible from the cluster.


Regional clusters are unsupported since Container Cloud 2.25.0. Mirantis does not perform functional integration testing of the feature and the related code is removed in Container Cloud 2.26.0. If you still require this feature, contact Mirantis support for further information.


The requirements in this section apply to the latest supported Container Cloud release.

System requirements

Requirements for a vSphere-based Container Cloud cluster


Management cluster

Managed cluster


# of nodes

3 (HA)

5 (6 with StackLight HA)

  • A bootstrap cluster requires access to the vSphere API.

  • A management cluster requires 3 nodes for the manager nodes HA. Adding more than 3 nodes to a management cluster is not supported.

  • A managed cluster requires 3 manager nodes for HA and 2 worker nodes for the Container Cloud workloads. If the multiserver mode is enabled for StackLight, 3 worker nodes are required for workloads.

# of vCPUs per node



Refer to the RAM recommendations described below to plan resources for different types of nodes.

RAM in GB per node



To prevent issues with low RAM, Mirantis recommends the following VM templates for a managed cluster with 50-200 nodes:

  • 16 vCPUs and 40 GB of RAM - manager node

  • 16 vCPUs and 128 GB of RAM - nodes where the StackLight server components run

Storage in GB per node



The listed amount of disk space must be available as a shared datastore of any type, for example, NFS or vSAN, mounted on all hosts of the vCenter cluster.

Operating system

RHEL 8.7 1
Ubuntu 20.04
RHEL 8.7 1
Ubuntu 20.04

For a management and managed cluster, a base OS VM template must be present in the VMware VM templates folder available to Container Cloud. For details, see VsphereVMTemplate.

RHEL license
(for RHEL deployments only)

RHEL licenses for Virtual Datacenters

RHEL licenses for Virtual Datacenters

This license type allows running unlimited guests inside one hypervisor. The amount of licenses is equal to the amount of hypervisors in vCenter Server, which will be used to host RHEL-based machines. Container Cloud will schedule machines according to scheduling rules applied to vCenter Server. Therefore, make sure that your RedHat Customer portal account has enough licenses for allowed hypervisors.


23.0.9 Since 16.1.0
23.0.7 Since 16.0.1
20.10.17 Since 14.0.0
23.0.9 Since 16.1.0
23.0.7 Since 16.0.1
20.10.17 Since 14.0.0

Mirantis Container Runtime (MCR) is deployed by Container Cloud as a Container Runtime Interface (CRI) instead of Docker Engine.

VMware vSphere version

7.0, 6.7

7.0, 6.7

cloud-init version

20.3 for RHEL

20.3 for RHEL

The minimal cloud-init package version built for the VsphereVMTemplate.

VMware Tools version



The minimal open-vm-tools package version built for the VsphereVMTemplate.

Obligatory vSphere capabilities

Shared datastore
Shared datastore

A shared datastore must be mounted on all hosts of the vCenter cluster. Combined with Distributed Resources Scheduler (DRS), it ensures that the VMs are dynamically scheduled to the cluster hosts.

IP subnet size



Consider the supported VMware vSphere network objects and IPAM recommendations.

Minimal IP addresses distribution:

  • Management cluster:

    • 1 for the load balancer of Kubernetes API

    • 3 for manager nodes (one per node)

    • 6 for the Container Cloud services

    • 6 for StackLight

  • Managed cluster:

    • 1 for the load balancer of Kubernetes API

    • 3 for manager nodes

    • 2 for worker nodes

    • 6 for StackLight

  • RHEL 8.7 is generally available since Cluster releases 16.0.0 and 14.1.0. Before these Cluster releases, it is supported as Technology Preview.

  • Container Cloud does not support mixed operating systems, RHEL combined with Ubuntu, in one cluster.

Requirements for deployment resources

The VMware vSphere provider of Mirantis Container Cloud requires the following resources to successfully create virtual machines for Container Cloud clusters:

  • Data center

    All resources below must be related to one data center.

  • Cluster

    All virtual machines must run on the hosts of one cluster.

  • Virtual Network or Distributed Port Group

    Network for virtual machines. For details, see VMware vSphere network objects and IPAM recommendations.

  • Datastore

    Storage for virtual machines disks and Kubernetes volumes.

  • Folder

    Placement of virtual machines.

  • Resource pool

    Pool of CPU and memory resources for virtual machines.

You must provide the data center and cluster resources by name. You can provide other resources by:

  • Name

    Resource name must be unique in the data center and cluster. Otherwise, the vSphere provider detects multiple resources with same name and cannot determine which one to use.

  • Full path (recommended)

    Full path to a resource depends on its type. For example:

    • Network


    • Resource pool

      /<data_center>/host/<cluster>/Resources/<resource pool_name>

    • Folder

      /<data_center>/vm/<folder1>/<folder2>/.../<folder_name> or /<data_center>/vm/<folder_name>

    • Datastore


You can determine the proper resource name using the vSphere UI.

To obtain the full path to vSphere resources:

  1. Download the latest version of GOVC utility depending on your operating system and unpack the govc binary into PATH on your machine.

  2. Set the environment variables to access your vSphere cluster. For example:

    export GOVC_USERNAME=user
    export GOVC_PASSWORD=password
    export GOVC_URL=
  3. List the data center root using the govc ls command. Example output:

  4. Obtain the full path to resources by name for:

    1. Network or Distributed Port Group (Distributed Virtual Port Group):

      govc find /<data_center> -type n -name <network_name>
    2. Datastore:

      govc find /<data_center> -type s -name <datastore_name>
    3. Folder:

      govc find /<data_center> -type f -name <folder_name>
    4. Resource pool:

      govc find /<data_center> -type p -name <resource_pool_name>
  5. Verify the resource type by full path:

    govc object.collect -json -o "<full_path_to_resource>" | jq .Self.Type

Setup of deployment users and permissions

To deploy Mirantis Container Cloud on the VMware vSphere-based environment, you need to prepare vSphere accounts for Container Cloud. Contact your vSphere administrator to set up the required users and permissions following the steps below:

  1. Log in to the vCenter Server Web Console.

  2. Create the cluster-api user with the following privileges:


    Container Cloud uses two separate vSphere accounts for:

    • Cluster API related operations, such as create or delete VMs, and for preparation of the VM template using Packer

    • Storage operations, such as dynamic PVC provisioning

    You can also create one user that has all privileges sets mentioned above.

    The cluster-api user privileges



    Content library

    • Download files

    • Read storage

    • Sync library item


    • Allocate space

    • Browse datastore

    • Low-level file operations

    • Update virtual machine metadata

    Distributed switch

    • Host operation

    • IPFIX operation

    • Modify

    • Network I/O control operation

    • Policy operation

    • Port configuration operation

    • Port setting operation

    • VSPAN operation


    • Create folder

    • Rename folder


    Cancel task

    Host local operations

    • Create virtual machine

    • Delete virtual machine

    • Reconfigure virtual machine


    Assign network


    Assign virtual machine to resource pool

    Scheduled task

    • Create tasks

    • Modify task

    • Remove task

    • Run task


    • Validate session

    • View and stop sessions

    Storage views



    • Create task

    • Update task

    Virtual machine permissions



    Change configuration

    • Acquire disk lease

    • Add existing disk

    • Add new disk

    • Add or remove device

    • Advanced configuration

    • Change CPU count

    • Change Memory

    • Change Settings

    • Change Swapfile placement

    • Change resource

    • Configure Host USB device

    • Configure Raw device

    • Configure managedBy

    • Display connection settings

    • Extend virtual disk

    • Modify device settings

    • Query Fault Tolerance compatibility

    • Query unowned files

    • Reload from path

    • Remove disk

    • Rename

    • Reset guest information

    • Set annotation

    • Toggle disk change tracking

    • Toggle fork parent

    • Upgrade virtual machine compatibility


    • Configure CD media

    • Configure floppy media

    • Console interaction

    • Device connection

    • Inject USB HID scan codes

    • Power off

    • Power on

    • Reset

    • Suspend


    • Create from existing

    • Create new

    • Move

    • Register

    • Remove

    • Unregister


    • Allow disk access

    • Allow file access

    • Allow read-only disk access

    • Allow virtual machine download

    • Allow virtual machine files upload

    • Clone template

    • Clone virtual machine

    • Create template from virtual machine

    • Customize guest

    • Deploy template

    • Mark as template

    • Mark as virtual machine

    • Modify customization specification

    • Promote disks

    • Read customization specifications

    Snapshot management

    • Create snapshot

    • Remove snapshot

    • Rename snapshot

    • Revert to snapshot

    vSphere replication

    Monitor replication

  3. Create the storage user with the following privileges:


    For more details about all required privileges for the storage user, see vSphere Cloud Provider documentation.

    The storage user privileges



    Cloud Native Storage


    Content library

    View configuration settings


    • Allocate space

    • Browse datastore

    • Low level file operations

    • Remove file


    • Create folder

    Host configuration

    • Storage partition configuration

    Host local operations

    • Create virtual machine

    • Delete virtual machine

    • Reconfigure virtual machine

    Host profile


    Profile-driven storage

    Profile-driven storage view


    Assign virtual machine to resource pool

    Scheduled task

    • Create tasks

    • Modify task

    • Run task


    • Validate session

    • View and stop sessions

    Storage views


    Virtual machine permissions



    Change configuration

    • Add existing disk

    • Add new disk

    • Add or remove device

    • Advanced configuration

    • Change CPU count

    • Change Memory

    • Change Settings

    • Configure managedBy

    • Extend virtual disk

    • Remove disk

    • Rename


    • Create from existing

    • Create new

    • Remove

  4. For RHEL deployments, if you do not have a RHEL machine with the virt-who service configured to report the vSphere environment configuration and hypervisors information to RedHat Customer Portal or RedHat Satellite server, set up the virt-who service inside the Container Cloud machines for a proper RHEL license activation.

    Create a virt-who user with at least read-only access to all objects in the vCenter Data Center.

    The virt-who service on RHEL machines will be provided with the virt-who user credentials to properly manage RHEL subscriptions.

    For details on how to create the virt-who user, refer to the official RedHat Customer Portal documentation.