Add a custom OIDC provider for MKE

Available since 17.0.0, 16.0.0, and 14.1.0

By default, MKE uses Keycloak as the OIDC provider. Using the ClusterOIDCConfiguration custom resource, you can add your own OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider for MKE on managed clusters to authenticate user requests to Kubernetes. For OIDC provider requirements, see OIDC official specification.


For OpenStack and StackLight, Container Cloud supports only Keycloak, which is configured on the management cluster, as the OIDC provider.

To add a custom OIDC provider for MKE:

  1. Configure the OIDC provider:

    1. Log in to the OIDC provider dashboard.

    2. Create an OIDC client. If you are going to use an existing one, skip this step.

    3. Add the MKE redirectURL of the managed cluster to the OIDC client. By default, the URL format is https://<MKE IP>:6443/login.

    4. Add the <Container Cloud web UI IP>/token to the OIDC client for generation of kubeconfig files of the target managed cluster through the Container Cloud web UI.

    5. Ensure that the aud claim of the issued id_token for audience will be equal to the created client ID.

    6. Optional. Allow MKE to refresh authentication when id_token expires by allowing the offline_access claim for the OIDC client.

  2. Create the ClusterOIDCConfiguration object in the YAML format containing the OIDC client settings. For details, see API Reference: ClusterOIDCConfiguration resource for MKE.


    The kubectl apply command automatically saves the applied data as plain text into the annotation of the corresponding object. This may result in revealing sensitive data in this annotation when creating or modifying the object.

    Therefore, do not use kubectl apply on this object. Use kubectl create, kubectl patch, or kubectl edit instead.

    If you used kubectl apply on this object, you can remove the annotation from the object using kubectl edit.

    The ClusterOIDCConfiguration object is created in the management cluster. Users with the m:kaas:ns@operator/writer/member roles have access to this object.

    Once done, the following dependent objects are created automatically in the target managed cluster: the object that binds the admin group defined in spec:adminRoleCriteria:value to the cluster-admin object.

  3. In the Cluster object of the managed cluster, add the name of the ClusterOIDCConfiguration object to the spec.providerSpec.value.oidc field.

  4. Wait until the cluster machines switch from the Reconfigure to Ready state for the changes to apply.