StackLight requirements for an MKE attached cluster

Available since 2.25.2

During attachment of a Mirantis Kubernetes Engine (MKE) cluster that is not deployed by Container Cloud to a vSphere-based management cluster, you can add StackLight as the logging, monitoring, and alerting solution. In this scenario, your cluster must satisfy several requirements that primarily involve alignment of cluster resources with specific StackLight settings.

General requirements

While planning the attachment of an existing MKE cluster that is not deployed by Container Cloud to a vSphere-based management cluster, consider the following general requirements for StackLight:


Attachment of MKE clusters is tested on Ubuntu 20.04.

Requirements for cluster size

While planning the attachment of an existing MKE cluster that is not deployed by Container Cloud to a vSphere-based management cluster, consider the cluster size requirements for StackLight. Depending on the following specific StackLight HA and logging settings, use the example size guidelines below:

  • The non-HA mode - StackLight services are installed on a minimum of one node with the StackLight label (StackLight nodes) with no redundancy using Persistent Volumes (PVs) from the default storage class to store data. Metric collection agents are installed on each node (Other nodes).

  • The HA mode - StackLight services are installed on a minimum of three nodes with the StackLight label (StackLight nodes) with redundancy using PVs provided by Local Volume Provisioner to store data. Metric collection agents are installed on each node (Other nodes).

  • Logging enabled - the Enable logging option is turned on, which enables the OpenSearch cluster to store infrastructure logs.

  • Logging disabled - the Enable logging option is turned off. In this case, StackLight will not install OpenSearch and will not collect infrastructure logs.

LoadBalancer (LB) Services support is required to provide external access to StackLight web UIs.

StackLight requirements for an attached MKE cluster, with logging enabled:

StackLight nodes 1

Other nodes

Storage (PVs)


Non-HA (1-node example)

  • RAM requests: 11 GB

  • RAM limits: 33 GB

  • CPU requests: 4.5 cores

  • CPU limits: 12 cores

  • RAM requests: 0.25 GB

  • RAM limits: 1 GB

  • CPU requests: 0.5 cores

  • CPU limits: 1 core

  • 1 PV for Prometheus (size is configurable; 1x total)

  • 2 PVs for Alertmanager (2 Gi/volume; 4 Gi total)

  • 1 PV for Patroni (10 G; 10 G total)

  • 1 PV for OpenSearch (size is configurable; 1x total)


HA (3-nodes example)

  • RAM requests: 10 GB

  • RAM limits: 25 GB

  • CPU requests: 2.8 cores

  • CPU limits: 7.5 cores

  • RAM requests: 0.25 GB

  • RAM limits: 1 GB

  • CPU requests: 0.5 cores

  • CPU limits: 1 core

  • 2 PVs (1 per StackLight node) for Prometheus (size is configurable; 2x total)

  • 2 PVs (1 per StackLight node) for Alertmanager (2 Gi/volume; 4 Gi total)

  • 3 PVs (1 per StackLight node) for Patroni (10 G/volume; 30 G total)

  • 3 PVs (1 per StackLight node) for OpenSearch (size is configurable; 3x total)


StackLight requirements for an attached MKE cluster, with logging disabled

StackLight nodes 1

Other nodes

Storage (PVs)


Non-HA (1-node example)

  • RAM requests: 4 GB

  • RAM limits: 23 GB

  • CPU requests: 3 cores

  • CPU limits: 9 cores

  • RAM requests: 0.05 GB

  • RAM limits: 0.1 GB

  • CPU requests: 0.01 cores

  • CPU limits: 0 cores

  • 1 PV for Prometheus (size is configurable; 1x total)

  • 2 PVs for Alertmanager (2 Gi/volume; 4Gi total)

  • 1 PV for Patroni (10 G; 10 G total)


HA (3-nodes example)

  • RAM requests: 3 GB

  • RAM limits: 15 GB

  • CPU requests: 1.6 cores

  • CPU limits: 4.2 cores

  • RAM requests: 0.05 GB

  • RAM limits: 0.1 GB

  • CPU requests: 0.01 cores

  • CPU limits: 0 core

  • 2 PVs (1 per StackLight node) for Prometheus (size is configurable; 2x total)

  • 2 PVs (1 per StackLight node) for Alertmanager (2 Gi/volume; 4 Gi total)

  • 3 PVs (1 per StackLight node) for Patroni (10 G/volume; 30 G total)



In the non-HA mode, StackLight components are bound to the nodes labeled with the StackLight label. If there are no nodes labeled, StackLight components will be scheduled to all schedulable worker nodes until the StackLight label(s) are added. The requirements presented in the table for the non-HA mode are summarized requirements for all StackLight nodes.