Create a management cluster for the OpenStack provider

This section describes how to create an OpenStack-based management cluster using the Container Cloud Bootstrap web UI.

To create an OpenStack-based management cluster:

  1. If you deploy Container Cloud on top of MOSK Victoria with Tungsten Fabric and use the default security group for newly created load balancers, add the following rules for the Kubernetes API server endpoint, Container Cloud application endpoint, and for the MKE web UI and API using the OpenStack CLI:

    • direction='ingress'

    • ethertype='IPv4'

    • protocol='tcp'

    • remote_ip_prefix=''

    • port_range_max and port_range_min:

      • '443' for Kubernetes API and Container Cloud application endpoints

      • '6443' for MKE web UI and API

  2. Set up a bootstrap cluster.

  3. Open the Container Cloud Bootstrap web UI.

  4. Create a bootstrap object.

    Bootstrap object configuration

    In the Bootstrap tab, create a bootstrap object:

    1. Set the bootstrap object name.

    2. Select the required provider.

    3. Optional. Recommended. Leave the Guided Bootstrap configuration check box selected. It enables the cluster creation helper in the next window with a series of guided steps for a complete setup of a functional management cluster.

      The cluster creation helper contains the same configuration windows as in separate tabs of the left-side menu, but the helper enables the configuration of essential provider components one-by-one inside one modal window.

      If you select this option, use the corresponding steps of this procedure described below for description of each tab in Guided Bootstrap configuration.

    4. Click Save.

    5. In the Status column of the Bootstrap page, monitor the bootstrap region readiness by hovering over the status icon of the bootstrap region.

      Once the orange blinking status icon becomes green and Ready, the bootstrap region deployment is complete. If the cluster status is Error, refer to Troubleshooting.

      You can monitor live deployment status of the following bootstrap region components:


      Status description


      Installation status of bootstrap Helm releases


      Status of provider configuration and installation for related charts and Deployments


      Readiness of all Deployments in the bootstrap cluster

  5. Configure credentials for the new cluster.

    Credentials configuration

    In the Credentials tab:

    1. Click Add Credential to add your OpenStack credentials. You can either upload your OpenStack clouds.yaml configuration file or fill in the fields manually.

    2. Verify that the new credentials status is Ready. If the status is Error, hover over the status to determine the reason of the issue.

  6. Optional. In the SSH Keys tab, click Add SSH Key to upload the public SSH key(s) for VMs creation.

  7. Optional. Enable proxy access to the cluster.

    Proxy configuration

    In the Proxies tab, configure proxy:

    1. Click Add Proxy.

    2. In the Add New Proxy wizard, fill out the form with the following parameters:

      Proxy configuration



      Proxy Name

      Name of the proxy server to use during cluster creation.

      Region Removed in 2.26.0 (16.1.0 and 17.1.0)

      From the drop-down list, select the required region.

      HTTP Proxy

      Add the HTTP proxy server domain name in the following format:

      • - for anonymous access

      • - for restricted access

      HTTPS Proxy

      Add the HTTPS proxy server domain name in the same format as for HTTP Proxy.

      No Proxy

      Comma-separated list of IP addresses or domain names.

      For implementation details, see Proxy and cache support.

    3. If your proxy requires a trusted CA certificate, select the CA Certificate check box and paste a CA certificate for a MITM proxy to the corresponding field or upload a certificate using Upload Certificate.

    For the list of Mirantis resources and IP addresses to be accessible from the Container Cloud clusters, see Requirements for an OpenStack-based cluster.

  8. In the Clusters tab, click Create Cluster and fill out the form with the following parameters:

    Cluster configuration
    1. Add Cluster name.

    2. Set the provider Service User Name and Service User Password.

      Service user is the initial user to create in Keycloak for access to a newly deployed management cluster. By default, it has the global-admin, operator (namespaced), and bm-pool-operator (namespaced) roles.

      You can delete serviceuser after setting up other required users with specific roles or after any integration with an external identity provider, such as LDAP.

    3. Configure general provider settings and Kubernetes parameters:

      Provider and Kubernetes configuration
      Provider and Kubernetes configuration




      General Settings


      Select OpenStack.

      Provider Credential

      From the drop-down list, select the OpenStack credentials name that you have previously created.

      Release Version

      The Container Cloud version.


      Optional. From the drop-down list, select the proxy server name that you have previously created.

      SSH Keys

      From the drop-down list, select the SSH key name(s) that you have previously added for SSH access to VMs.

      Container Registry

      From the drop-down list, select the Docker registry name that you have previously added using the Container Registries tab. For details, see Define a custom CA certificate for a private Docker registry.


      External Network

      Type of the external network in the OpenStack cloud provider.

      DNS Name Servers

      Comma-separated list of the DNS hosts IPs for the OpenStack VMs configuration.

      Configure Bastion

      Optional. Configuration parameters for the Bastion node:

      • Flavor

      • Image

      • Availability Zone

      • Server Metadata

      For the parameters description, see Add a machine.

      Technology Preview: select Boot From Volume to boot the Bastion node from a block storage volume and select the required amount of storage (80 GB is enough).


      Node CIDR

      The Kubernetes nodes CIDR block. For example,

      Services CIDR Blocks

      The Kubernetes Services CIDR block. For example,

      Pods CIDR Blocks

      The Kubernetes Pods CIDR block. For example,


      The network subnet size of Kubernetes pods influences the number of nodes that can be deployed in the cluster. The default subnet size /18 is enough to create a cluster with up to 256 nodes. Each node uses the /26 address blocks (64 addresses), at least one address block is allocated per node. These addresses are used by the Kubernetes pods with hostNetwork: false. The cluster size may be limited further when some nodes use more than one address block.

    4. Configure StackLight:

      StackLight configuration
    5. Click Create.

  9. Add machines to the bootstrap cluster:

    Machines configuration
    1. In the Clusters tab, click the required cluster name. The cluster page with Machines list opens.

    2. On the cluster page, click Create Machine.

    3. Fill out the form with the following parameters:

      Container Cloud machine configuration




      Specify the odd number of machines to create. Only Manager machines are allowed.


      The required minimum number of manager machines is three for HA. A cluster can have more than three manager machines but only an odd number of machines.

      In an even-sized cluster, an additional machine remains in the Pending state until an extra manager machine is added. An even number of manager machines does not provide additional fault tolerance but increases the number of node required for etcd quorum.


      From the drop-down list, select the required hardware configuration for the machine. The list of available flavors corresponds to the one in your OpenStack environment.

      For the hardware requirements, see Requirements for an OpenStack-based cluster.


      From the drop-down list, select the required cloud image:

      • CentOS 7.9

      • Ubuntu 22.04

      If you do not have the required image in the list, add it to your OpenStack environment using the Horizon web UI by downloading it from:


      A Container Cloud cluster based on both Ubuntu and CentOS operating systems is not supported.

      Availability Zone

      From the drop-down list, select the availability zone from which the new machine will be launched.

      Configure Server Metadata

      Optional. Select Configure Server Metadata and add the required number of string key-value pairs for the machine meta_data configuration in cloud-init.

      Prohibited keys are: KaaS, cluster, clusterID, namespace as they are used by Container Cloud.

      Boot From Volume

      Optional. Technology Preview. Select to boot a machine from a block storage volume. Use the Up and Down arrows in the Volume Size (GiB) field to define the required volume size.

      This option applies to clouds that do not have enough space on hypervisors. After enabling this option, the Cinder storage is used instead of the Nova storage.

    4. Click Create.

  10. Optional. Using the Container Cloud CLI, modify the provider-specific and other cluster settings as described in Configure optional cluster settings.

  11. Select from the following options to start cluster deployment:

    Click Deploy.

    Approve the previously created bootstrap region using the Container Cloud CLI:

    ./kaas-bootstrap/container-cloud bootstrap approve all
    ./kaas-bootstrap/container-cloud bootstrap approve  <bootstrapRegionName>


    Once you approve the bootstrap region, no cluster or machine modification is allowed.

  12. Monitor the deployment progress of the cluster and machines.

    Monitoring of the cluster readiness

    To monitor the cluster readiness, hover over the status icon of a specific cluster in the Status column of the Clusters page.

    Once the orange blinking status icon becomes green and Ready, the cluster deployment or update is complete.

    You can monitor live deployment status of the following cluster components:




    For the OpenStack-based management clusters, the Bastion node IP address status that confirms the Bastion node creation


    Installation or upgrade status of all Helm releases


    Readiness of the node in a Kubernetes cluster, as reported by kubelet


    Readiness of all requested Kubernetes objects


    Equality of the requested nodes number in the cluster to the number of nodes having the Ready LCM status


    Readiness of the cluster OIDC configuration


    Health of all StackLight-related objects in a Kubernetes cluster


    Readiness of all nodes in a Docker Swarm cluster


    Readiness of the Kubernetes API load balancer


    Readiness of all machines in the underlying infrastructure (virtual or bare metal, depending on the provider type)

    Graceful Reboot

    Readiness of a cluster during a scheduled graceful reboot, available since Cluster releases 15.0.1 and 14.0.0.

    Infrastructure Status

    Available since Container Cloud 2.25.0 for bare metal and OpenStack providers. Readiness of the following cluster components:

    • Bare metal: the MetalLBConfig object along with MetalLB and DHCP subnets.

    • OpenStack: cluster network, routers, load balancers, and Bastion along with their ports and floating IPs.

    LCM Operation

    Available since Container Cloud 2.26.0 (Cluster releases 17.1.0 and 16.1.0). Health of all LCM operations on the cluster and its machines.

    LCM Agent

    Available since Container Cloud 2.27.0 (Cluster releases 17.2.0 and 16.2.0). Health of all LCM agents on cluster machines and the status of LCM agents update to the version from the current Cluster release.

    For the history of a cluster deployment or update, refer to Inspect the history of a cluster and machine deployment or update.

    Monitoring of machines readiness

    To monitor machines readiness, use the status icon of a specific machine on the Clusters page.

    • Quick status

      On the Clusters page, in the Managers column. The green status icon indicates that the machine is Ready, the orange status icon indicates that the machine is Updating.

    • Detailed status

      In the Machines section of a particular cluster page, in the Status column. Hover over a particular machine status icon to verify the deploy or update status of a specific machine component.

    You can monitor the status of the following machine components:




    Readiness of a node in a Kubernetes cluster.


    Health and readiness of a node in a Docker Swarm cluster.


    LCM readiness status of a node.


    Readiness of a node in the underlying infrastructure (virtual or bare metal, depending on the provider type).

    Graceful Reboot

    Readiness of a machine during a scheduled graceful reboot of a cluster, available since Cluster releases 15.0.1 and 14.0.0.

    Infrastructure Status

    Available since Container Cloud 2.25.0 for the bare metal provider only. Readiness of the IPAMHost, L2Template, BareMetalHost, and BareMetalHostProfile objects associated with the machine.

    LCM Operation

    Available since Container Cloud 2.26.0 (Cluster releases 17.1.0 and 16.1.0). Health of all LCM operations on the machine.

    LCM Agent

    Available since Container Cloud 2.27.0 (Cluster releases 17.2.0 and 16.2.0). Health of the LCM Agent on the machine and the status of the LCM Agent update to the version from the current Cluster release.

    The machine creation starts with the Provision status. During provisioning, the machine is not expected to be accessible since its infrastructure (VM, network, and so on) is being created.

    Other machine statuses are the same as the LCMMachine object states:

    1. Uninitialized - the machine is not yet assigned to an LCMCluster.

    2. Pending - the agent reports a node IP address and host name.

    3. Prepare - the machine executes StateItems that correspond to the prepare phase. This phase usually involves downloading the necessary archives and packages.

    4. Deploy - the machine executes StateItems that correspond to the deploy phase that is becoming a Mirantis Kubernetes Engine (MKE) node.

    5. Ready - the machine is being deployed.

    6. Upgrade - the machine is being upgraded to the new MKE version.

    7. Reconfigure - the machine executes StateItems that correspond to the reconfigure phase. The machine configuration is being updated without affecting workloads running on the machine.

    Once the status changes to Ready, the deployment of the cluster components on this machine is complete.

    You can also monitor the live machine status using API:

    kubectl get machines <machineName> -o wide

    Example of system response since Container Cloud 2.23.0:

    demo-0 true  Ready     kaas-node-c6aa8ad3    1             false

    For the history of a machine deployment or update, refer to Inspect the history of a cluster and machine deployment or update.

    Alternatively, verify machine statuses from the seed node on which the bootstrap cluster is deployed:

    1. Log in to the seed node.

    2. Export KUBECONFIG to connect to the bootstrap cluster:

      export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/kind-config-clusterapi
    3. Verify the statuses of available LCMMachine objects:

      kubectl get lcmmachines -o wide
    4. Verify the statuses of available cluster machines:

      kubectl get machines -o wide
  13. Verify that network addresses used on your clusters do not overlap with the following default MKE network addresses for Swarm and MCR:

    • is used for Swarm networks. IP addresses from this network are virtual.

    • is used for MCR networks. IP addresses from this network are allocated on hosts.

    Verification of Swarm and MCR network addresses

    To verify Swarm and MCR network addresses, run on any master node:

    docker info

    Example of system response:

      Default Address Pool:
      SubnetSize: 24
     Default Address Pools:
       Base:, Size: 20

    Not all of Swarm and MCR addresses are usually in use. One Swarm Ingress network is created by default and occupies the address block. Also, three MCR networks are created by default and occupy three address blocks:,,

    To verify the actual networks state and addresses in use, run:

    docker network ls
    docker network inspect <networkName>