Update notes

This section describes the specific actions you as a cloud operator need to complete before or after your Container Cloud cluster update to the Cluster releases 17.2.0 or 16.2.0.

Consider this information as a supplement to the generic update procedures published in Operations Guide: Automatic upgrade of a management cluster and Update a managed cluster.

Updated scheme for patch Cluster releases

Starting from Container Cloud 2.26.5, Mirantis introduces a new update scheme allowing for the update path flexibility. For details, see Patch update schemes before and since 2.26.5. For details on MOSK update scheme, refer to MOSK documentation: Update notes.

For those clusters that update between only major versions, the update scheme remains unchaged.


In Container Cloud patch releases 2.27.1 and 2.27.2, only the 16.2.x patch Cluster releases will be delivered with an automatic update of management clusters and the possibility to update non-MOSK managed clusters.

In parallel, 2.27.1 and 2.27.2 will include new 16.1.x and 17.1.x patches for MOSK 24.1.x. And the first 17.2.x patch Cluster release for MOSK 24.2.x will be delivered in 2.27.3. For details, see MOSK documentation: Update path for 24.1 and 24.2 series.

Pre-update actions

Update bird configuration on BGP-enabled bare metal clusters


If you have already completed the below procedure after updating your clusters to Container Cloud 2.26.0 (Cluster releases 17.1.0 or 16.1.0), skip this subsection.

Container Cloud 2.26.0 introduced the bird daemon update from v1.6.8 to v2.0.7 on master nodes if BGP is used for BGP announcement of the cluster API load balancer address.

Configuration files for bird v1.x are not fully compatible with those for bird v2.x. Therefore, if you used BGP announcement of cluster API LB address on a deployment based on Cluster releases 17.0.0 or 16.0.0, update bird configuration files to fit bird v2.x using configuration examples provided in the API Reference: MultirRackCluster section.

Review and adjust the storage parameters for OpenSearch


If you have already completed the below procedure after updating your clusters to Container Cloud 2.26.0 (Cluster releases 17.1.0 or 16.1.0), skip this subsection.

To prevent underused or overused storage space, review your storage space parameters for OpenSearch on the StackLight cluster:

  1. Review the value of elasticsearch.persistentVolumeClaimSize and the real storage available on volumes.

  2. Decide whether you have to additionally set elasticsearch.persistentVolumeUsableStorageSizeGB.

For description of both parameters, see StackLight configuration parameters: OpenSearch.

Post-update actions

Prepare for changing label values in Ceph metrics used in customizations


If you do not use Ceph metrics in any customizations, for example, custom alerts, Grafana dashboards, or queries in custom workloads, skip this section.

After deprecating the performance metric exporter that is integrated into the Ceph Manager daemon for the sake of the dedicated Ceph Exporter daemon in Container Cloud 2.27.0, you may need to prepare for updating values of several labels in Ceph metrics if you use them in any customizations such as custom alerts, Grafana dashboards, or queries in custom tools. These labels will be changed in Container Cloud 2.28.0 (Cluster releases 16.3.0 and 17.3.0).


Names of metrics will not be changed, no metrics will be removed.

All Ceph metrics to be collected by the Ceph Exporter daemon will change their labels job and instance due to scraping metrics from new Ceph Exporter daemon instead of the performance metric exporter of Ceph Manager:

  • Values of the job labels will be changed from rook-ceph-mgr to prometheus-rook-exporter for all Ceph metrics moved to Ceph Exporter. The full list of moved metrics is presented below.

  • Values of the instance labels will be changed from the metric endpoint of Ceph Manager with port 9283 to the metric endpoint of Ceph Exporter with port 9926 for all Ceph metrics moved to Ceph Exporter. The full list of moved metrics is presented below.

  • Values of the instance_id labels of Ceph metrics from the RADOS Gateway (RGW) daemons will be changed from the daemon GID to the daemon subname. For example, instead of instance_id="<RGW_PROCESS_GID>", the instance_id="a" (ceph_rgw_qlen{instance_id="a"}) will be used. The list of moved Ceph RGW metrics is presented below.

List of affected Ceph RGW metrics
  • ceph_rgw_cache_.*

  • ceph_rgw_failed_req

  • ceph_rgw_gc_retire_object

  • ceph_rgw_get.*

  • ceph_rgw_keystone_.*

  • ceph_rgw_lc_.*

  • ceph_rgw_lua_.*

  • ceph_rgw_pubsub_.*

  • ceph_rgw_put.*

  • ceph_rgw_qactive

  • ceph_rgw_qlen

  • ceph_rgw_req

List of all metrics to be collected by Ceph Exporter instead of Ceph Manager
  • ceph_bluefs_.*

  • ceph_bluestore_.*

  • ceph_mds_cache_.*

  • ceph_mds_caps

  • ceph_mds_ceph_.*

  • ceph_mds_dir_.*

  • ceph_mds_exported_inodes

  • ceph_mds_forward

  • ceph_mds_handle_.*

  • ceph_mds_imported_inodes

  • ceph_mds_inodes.*

  • ceph_mds_load_cent

  • ceph_mds_log_.*

  • ceph_mds_mem_.*

  • ceph_mds_openino_dir_fetch

  • ceph_mds_process_request_cap_release

  • ceph_mds_reply_.*

  • ceph_mds_request

  • ceph_mds_root_.*

  • ceph_mds_server_.*

  • ceph_mds_sessions_.*

  • ceph_mds_slow_reply

  • ceph_mds_subtrees

  • ceph_mon_election_.*

  • ceph_mon_num_.*

  • ceph_mon_session_.*

  • ceph_objecter_.*

  • ceph_osd_numpg.*

  • ceph_osd_op.*

  • ceph_osd_recovery_.*

  • ceph_osd_stat_.*

  • ceph_paxos.*

  • ceph_prioritycache.*

  • ceph_purge.*

  • ceph_rgw_cache_.*

  • ceph_rgw_failed_req

  • ceph_rgw_gc_retire_object

  • ceph_rgw_get.*

  • ceph_rgw_keystone_.*

  • ceph_rgw_lc_.*

  • ceph_rgw_lua_.*

  • ceph_rgw_pubsub_.*

  • ceph_rgw_put.*

  • ceph_rgw_qactive

  • ceph_rgw_qlen

  • ceph_rgw_req

  • ceph_rocksdb_.*